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But with COVID-19 looking like it’ll be around for a while, we can at least start researching and planning what destinations to visit first and have something to look forward to later or plan for more COVID-cautious travel such as in places like Las Vegas. As with most gay men, our gay gene also came with the travel genes. We’re not the only ones desperate for even a weekend getaway. Why it’s a great time to visit gay Las Vegas This post originally appeared on their blog, Debt Free Guys. With their website, their Queer Money™ podcast, tools and resources, they help gay men live fabulously, not fabulously broke. They help other gay men who also want to live an amazing life without sacrificing their financial security.

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Note: All travel is subject to frequently-changing governmental restrictions-please check federal, state, and local advisories before scheduling trips.ĭavid and John Auten-Schneider are husbands living their fabulous lives together.

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